Caryn’s Relationship Solutions

Caryn Hacker-Buechel

Hi. I’m Caryn, a retired psychotherapist, turned author and motivational speaker. I worked with thousands of people during my thirty-year professional career. My life has been enriched by those I met, whether in private practice, group settings or corporate engagements.

A therapist obtains higher education to understand techniques and concepts by those masters who came before and utilized science to support psychological concepts. That knowledge displayed by a coveted degree coupled with personal life experience created an amazing foundation upon which my career was built. Everything became blanketed with a tapestry of earned trust from my clients, as I honored their stories and guided them along their personal healing journey.

I now offer my years of insight and experience to you, through this unique blog.

Each month, a new post will suggest motivational, insightful and nonjudgmental solutions and tips for navigating life’s journey with more clarity and confidence.

I hope to hear from you often, while we walk this path together. Everyone has a life’s story, full of joy and heartache. How and with whom one navigates life’s winding trail is of paramount importance.

Let’s spend a little time together.

Always with love,


Caryn Hacker-Buechel, ACSW, DCSW

Author of:

  • A Bully Grows Up Erik Meets the Wizard
  • General’s Princess – An Adult Thriller
    Due to be finished – Summer 2022

Professionally, I worked in adolescent residential treatment facilities, mental health centers, and private practice groups. I lectured at over 500 businesses on topics related to mental health, and I taught undergraduate classes in sociology at a large university. Creating freelance articles for several magazines and newspapers through the years helped me discover my love of writing.

Every journalistic piece is steeped in emotional and therapeutic concepts. Like my father, the oral pathologist professor, I love to teach the ideas that took years for me to absorb. You, the reader, can expect to find at least five intellectual and emotional gems in each post. I am currently a retired psychotherapist. However, I continue to be in awe of human behavior, loving to share my observations with others. With the utilization of social media platforms, I can now do that free of charge.

My upcoming thriller, a fictional novel, The General’s Princess, is rich with characters that portray psychological and behavioral aspects of what I have learned as an observer of human behavior. The protagonists are heroes to be cheered, while the antagonist is a frightening narcissist worthy of your disdain. Twists, turns, and characters from the mind of a psychotherapist are rich in dramatic, realistic traits.

My personal journey opened doors to love, marriage, children, divorce, travel, stepchildren, and grandchildren. My writing, a culmination of my knowledge so far, is sprinkled with vivid insight from my life’s journey to date. It can be an intense ride.

I hope you enjoy the journey…
