A Vata Really Shouldn’t Marry a Pitta

Indian Masseuse

“A Vata really shouldn’t marry a Pitta,” she said, her lilt of an accent floating above the incense.

Tucked into the hidden depth of the luxurious spa at Leelah Palace Hotel in Chennai, India, the young woman continued the massage, hot stones sliding in the thick oil on my exposed back. She pushed the palm size rock deep into a spasm she had previously located while she chatted. I yelped.

“It’s all about the energy from the chakras,” she said. “If they are blocked we need to clear them. Special oil for each dosha is necessary. We know how to do that here.”

“A dosha?” I asked.

It’s part of Ayurvedic Medicine. We identify body types, biological energies and personalities by understanding under which category a person would fall. There are three types. Kapha, Vata and Pitta.They govern our physical and mental processes. A bit like a blueprint.”

“Insider information,” I mumbled as the sleepy retired therapist that lives inside my psyche woke from a massage-induced haze. Perhaps once a therapist always a therapist, active practice or not, I thought. I lifted my face from the terrycloth covered hole as she was now speaking the language of ‘Therapist Caryn’.

“Tell me more,” I said, awkwardly turning my head to look into her eyes.

Massage Oils

“I can give an easy summary. Pittas reflect the quality of Fire and Water. They are slow, heavier and they have hotter bodies. They usually have a fiery personality or moments of fire and oiler skin. They don’t like to speak too much, only when it is necessary and mostly about themselves. Vatas reflect the elements of Space and Air. They are friendly, talkative and emotional. Quick thinking and thin. Kaphas have a solid body and a calm demeanor when in nature, reflecting Earth and Water. They lose weight with difficulty and may have lags in learning. But once a concept is mastered, it stays. They also enjoy helping people. One dosha will dominate but a second one will have great influence.”

I interrupted her, my neck craning, turtle-like. “I’m a Vata with a bit of Kapha.” I placed my face back into the hole and took a deep breath in search of a whiff of calming lavender oil.

“Yes, I already know that. And your husband?”

“A solid Pitta,” I answered.

“Better you married a Kapha. They like to listen. You would be happier. A Vata really shouldn’t marry a Pitta.”

And there it was; simple wisdom from a young cocoa-skinned woman with tinier hands than mine and a vastly open heart chakra. Where was she when I was twenty? Or forty?

In a country where 90% of marriages are arranged by one’s parents, perhaps there is a world of comprehension in this dosha concept, similar to the book “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. Learn what love would look like for you and your partner to feel fulfilled. They may be different. Then gift your love to them in their needed form and vice versa.

I’m not saying that opposites don’t attract, or that you can’t stay with someone despite your differences. But, if you choose a partner who compliments and honors your love style, your life’s journey will absolutely be easier.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings 2022

Between the sparkling firework bursts and the drop of the enormous Time’s Square crystal ball, 2022 has finally arrived. We waited for this past year, filled with fear, isolation, and loss, to end. Finally, it is time to take a well-earned deep, slow, cleansing breath. Fill your lungs to their total capacity while you count to ten. Feel your breath push out your abs and raise your shoulders. Allow possibility, hope, and self-love to fill every cell of your being. Then slowly release your breath, letting loneliness, despair, and fear float away while you count to six.

Allow this to be a truly new year. A lingering awareness of the pandemic’s rules and concerns haunts us as we attempt to determine our forward path. Words like Delta, variant, and Omicron have forced their way into our vernacular. Push that newly acquired awareness momentarily aside and appreciate the passing of one year and the birth of the next. A quiet moment will create space between your previous thoughts and the present moment.

For most, New Year’s Eve marks the exploration into the 2022 Resolution list project. This focusing tradition often causes anxiety instead of encouragement. Many believe the opportunity ultimately leads to a feeling of failure instead of hope.

It does not have to be that way. As you sit, pen in hand or computer keys under your fingertips, prepare to focus your resolutions in the energy of kindness.

Caryn’s 5 Tips for Creating Your New Year’s Resolution List:

1. Blanket every concept with self-kindness.

Keep the focus of each resolution on the most important person–you. Allow your ideas to foster a heightened belief in your abilities. Try something along the lines of–I promise to appreciate my love of reading and create one hour per week to do just that. Are you looking for love? Focus on yourself first, and love will find you.

2. Focus your resolutions so that they strengthen your self-care.

Instead of hoping for changes in your loved one’s behavior, try to resolve to create personal emotional space. When negatively triggered, take a moment to think of a time you felt particularly loved and cared for, take a long candlelit bath with your favorite tunes on your headphones or go for a walk, surrounded by nature. These small choices will create chemical changes within your brain and gently allow you emotional space.

3. Keep your goals measurable.

Whether you focus on creating a healthier lifestyle, setting steps toward increased sleep, arranging healthy changes to diet and exercise, it is paramount to baby-step your way up to and then into the process. Write down your goals and some necessary steps to achieve what you desire.

4. Keep your goals gentle, reasonable, and attainable.

In his book, Thrive State: Your Blueprint for Optimal Health, Longevity, and Peak Performance, Dr. Kien Vuu reminds us that negative mindsets harm our physical health. Chronic stress alters our microbiome, creating possible sleep disturbances, agitated eating, racing thoughts, risky behaviors, and physical and emotional illness.

5. Love yourself throughout the process. Create a no-shame zone.

Your light is unique and brighter than the grandest fireworks display. You deserve caring, kindness, gifts, adventures, and love–all that you give to yourself in heaping portions each day.

Happy New Year, everyone. I hope that we can communicate throughout this year and support each other as we create our journey through 2022.

Caryn’s Relationship Solutions

Caryn Hacker-Buechel

Hi. I’m Caryn, a retired psychotherapist, turned author and motivational speaker. I worked with thousands of people during my thirty-year professional career. My life has been enriched by those I met, whether in private practice, group settings or corporate engagements.

A therapist obtains higher education to understand techniques and concepts by those masters who came before and utilized science to support psychological concepts. That knowledge displayed by a coveted degree coupled with personal life experience created an amazing foundation upon which my career was built. Everything became blanketed with a tapestry of earned trust from my clients, as I honored their stories and guided them along their personal healing journey.

I now offer my years of insight and experience to you, through this unique blog.

Each month, a new post will suggest motivational, insightful and nonjudgmental solutions and tips for navigating life’s journey with more clarity and confidence.

I hope to hear from you often, while we walk this path together. Everyone has a life’s story, full of joy and heartache. How and with whom one navigates life’s winding trail is of paramount importance.

Let’s spend a little time together.

Always with love,


Caryn Hacker-Buechel, ACSW, DCSW

Author of:

  • A Bully Grows Up Erik Meets the Wizard
  • General’s Princess – An Adult Thriller
    Due to be finished – Summer 2022